Let's Build a Brand-New Cooperative Co-Parenting Partnership Together

Handling Co-Parenting with a New Partner Involved (Part 2)

Episode Summary

Are you struggling to integrate a new partner into your co-parenting dynamic? Join us on this episode of "Positively Inspired CoParenting" as we dive into the real-life stories of Jessica and Michael, two parents navigating these challenges. Discover how clear communication, thoughtful preparation, and setting boundaries can make a new relationship a positive addition to your family. Jessica’s success story shows the power of teamwork and open dialogue, while Michael’s experience highlights the pitfalls of poor coordination. Learn practical strategies to create a supportive environment for your children and new partner. Subscribe now and stay tuned for our next episode on managing legal rights and responsibilities in co-parenting.

Episode Notes

Recommended Books:


The Coparenting Handbook: Raising Well-Adjusted and Resilient Kids from Little Ones to Young Adults through Divorce or Separation’ by Karen Bonnell and Kristin Little (Soft Cover) (eBook)

This book offers practical advice for coparenting effectively after divorce or separation. It covers essential topics like communication strategies, setting boundaries, and managing emotions. By providing step-by-step guidance, it helps parents create a structured and supportive coparenting arrangement.

Karen Bonnell's book contributes to understanding and managing anger through mindfulness by emphasizing the importance of staying calm and focused during interactions with your coparent. It encourages parents to practice mindfulness to reduce stress and make thoughtful decisions, benefiting both themselves and their children.

Readers can use this resource to support their journey by implementing the strategies suggested for staying calm and centered. Practicing the mindfulness exercises in the book can help parents manage their emotions, leading to more constructive interactions with their coparent and new partner.

Coparenting with a Toxic Ex: What to Do When Your Ex-Spouse Tries to Turn the Kids Against You’ by Amy J. L. Baker PhD and Paul R Fine LCSW (Soft Cover) (eBook)

This book addresses the challenges of coparenting with a difficult or uncooperative ex-partner. It provides tools for dealing with manipulation, alienation, and conflict. The authors offer practical advice for protecting your relationship with your children and maintaining your composure.

Baker and Fine's book highlights the role of mindfulness in managing anger and stress. It encourages parents to stay grounded and avoid reacting impulsively to a toxic ex's behavior. By focusing on mindfulness, parents can better control their responses and maintain a positive environment for their children.

Readers can benefit from this book by applying the techniques for staying calm and resilient in the face of conflict. Using the mindfulness practices suggested can help parents keep their emotions in check, ensuring they can provide a stable and loving environment for their children despite the challenges.’’

Positively Inspired Mindfulness Journal: A Year of Awareness‘ by Sai Gonzalez (Soft Cover)

This journal is designed to guide you on a tranquil self-discovery journey. Tailored for navigating life’s ups and downs, it offers daily reflective prompts that align with the changing seasons. Each month is highlighted by a thought-provoking quote, encouraging a consistent yet flexible practice of reflection, gratitude, and presence.

Unique Contributions:

How It Supports Your Journey:

Readers can use this journal to cultivate awareness and joy in their daily lives. The reflective prompts and seasonal transitions guide users towards mindful living, helping them embrace change and progress. It’s an invaluable companion for anyone seeking to enhance their emotional well-being and personal growth.

These books offer valuable insights and practical tools for coparenting effectively with a new partner involved. By incorporating these techniques, parents can manage their emotions, reduce stress, and create a positive coparenting dynamic that benefits everyone, especially the children.