Build a Brand-New Cooperative Co-Parenting Partnership Together

Sharing Celebrations: Planning for Holidays (Part 1)

Episode Summary

Are you tired of the annual holiday tug-of-war? This week on "Positively Inspired Co-Parenting," discover how thoughtful preparation and open communication can transform your holiday experience. Through heartfelt personal stories, learn how early planning and flexibility can create magical memories for your children. Host shares how a memorable North Pole adventure became a cherished family moment, despite unexpected changes. Contrast this with a friend’s chaotic holiday due to a lack of planning and communication. The episode underscores the importance of setting clear expectations, being adaptable with traditions, and involving your children in the holiday planning process. Tune in to find out how small adjustments can lead to a stress-free, joyful holiday season for everyone. Don't miss out on creating the best holiday experience yet!

Episode Notes

Recommended Books:


  1. "Co-Parenting 101: Helping Your Kids Thrive in Two Households after Divorce" by Deesha Philyaw and Michael D. Thomas (Soft Cover) (eBook)

This book offers practical advice and real-life examples to help co-parents navigate the complexities of raising children in two households. The authors emphasize communication and cooperation, which are key to minimizing conflict and prioritizing the well-being of children. From a mindfulness perspective, this book can help you understand the importance of maintaining an emotional balance, which is crucial in managing responses and interactions in potentially high-stress situations.

  1. "Mom's House, Dad's House: Making Two Homes for Your Child" by Isolina Ricci (Soft Cover) (eBook)

Isolina Ricci provides a comprehensive guide to creating stable and nurturing homes for children of divorce. The book covers effective communication strategies and ways to establish a co-parenting agreement that works for both parents and children. It encourages mindfulness by advocating for self-awareness and thoughtful decision-making, which can help co-parents manage their emotions and reactions during discussions and disagreements.

  1. Positively Inspired Mindfulness Journal: A Year of Awareness‘ by Sai Gonzalez (Soft Cover) is your guide to a tranquil self-discovery journey. Tailored for navigating life’s ups and downs, it offers daily reflective prompts against the changing seasons, with each month highlighted by a thought-provoking quote. Created by an expert mindfulness coach, the journal encourages a consistent yet flexible practice of reflection, gratitude, and presence. Transition messages for each season enhance your personal growth narrative, fostering an embrace of change and progress. This journal, culminating in a message of hope and gratitude, serves as a beacon for mindful living, guiding you towards a conscious, fulfilling existence. It’s an invaluable companion for anyone seeking to cultivate awareness and joy, encouraging transformation from within.

Using These Resources to Manage Anger and Cultivate Well-being

These books can serve as excellent resources for co-parents looking to enhance their emotional well-being and effectively manage anger. By implementing the communication strategies and conflict resolution methods outlined, you can better handle disagreements and maintain a positive co-parenting environment. Additionally, these books offer insights into how mindfulness can aid in understanding and controlling emotional responses, fostering a more harmonious and supportive relationship for the sake of your children.

By drawing on the strategies and insights from these books, you can build a foundation of mindfulness that supports not only conflict resolution but also personal growth and emotional resilience. This foundation will not only benefit your co-parenting relationship but also provide a model of healthy emotional management for your children.